Seminars Are Now Live!

Every year TransWorld engages the best and brightest minds in their respective fields to teach classes on a very broad range of topics, and 2024 is no exception! There’s literally something for everybody – classes about escape rooms, tech, props, marketing, running your attraction and much more – see the full list of seminars and register for them HERE!

PLEASE NOTE: You must already be registered for the show before you can register for seminars. If you still need to register for the show, you can do so HERE!

You can register for individual seminars, or you can take advantage of our Seminar Packages: HERE

Click Here to Register to Attend the Room Escape Conference & Tour Click Here to Register to Exhibit at the Room Escape Conference & Tour

2026 Dates & Hours

We've made some changes for 2026 - click HERE for show registration and trade show floor dates & hours!